jeudi 31 janvier 2013

Nice neighbours...

Just before Christmas I had a nice message from one of my clients in Germany : Kuball and Kempe.

They had bought a folding screen a couple of years ago and in April they  had ordered one  on the "Singerie" theme.
I did a few sketches , sent them and after a couple of changes we agreed on the composition.
I suppose that some people from Condé Nast visited their gorgeous shop and liked the screen.
They decided to have it as a  background to the nice  Xmas card they did for their clients.
Here it is .
 Scarf by Hermes, fabric by Chanel ...and my little screen ...and the donkey!

A few more pictures...

8 commentaires:

  1. How charming! And what a nice collection-- Chanel, Hermes, Amblard...

  2. How wonderful,so talented!

  3. Stunning! You made my evening viewing these images from your beautiful screen. N.

  4. They had a good eye including your work in the composition. Who wouldn't want to mentioned with Hermes and Chanel.

  5. Un toujours aussi beau travail.....
    Je profite de cette newsletter pour vous souhaiter mes meilleurs vœux pour cette année. Un peu tard, certes, mais le temps passe si vite. Nos travaux et clients sont décidément très complémentaires. Je vous contacterai a ce sujet. Bonne continuation!!!!! et encore bravo.
    bien à vous,

  6. Merci Elise, vos compliments me touchent. Tous mes voeux....printaniers. Votre petite plaquette se trouve bien en évidence sur un des rayons de notre bibliothèque, je la vois tous les jours...


  7. Gorgeous screen dahhling!

  8. Thank You Duchess. I just visited your blog and site...beautiful!!!
